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Delivered Courses
Well Integrity: A Proactive Approach to Ensure Well Integrity During the Construction and Operation of Wells
Course Delivered at ATCE On: 21/09/2021
Well Integrity: A Proactive Approach to Ensure Well Integrity During the Construction and Operation of Wells
Course Delivered On: 25/09/2019
Lost Circulation: Lost Circulation - A Challenge We Must Address
Recorded On: 03/12/2019
Cementing Operation Course: Cementing Course
Schlumberger NExT-Course Delivered On: Dec 2016, London, United Kingdom
Well Integrity: A Proactive Approach to Ensure Well Integrity During the Construction and Operation of Wells
Course Delivered On: 25/08/2016, Singapore
Well Integrity: A Proactive Approach to Ensure Well Integrity During the Construction and Operation of Wells
Course Delivered On: 03/08/2015, Thailand
High Pressure High Temperature: Advanced High Pressure High temperature Cementing
Course Delivered On: 29/09/2014, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
High Pressure High Temperature: High Pressure High temperature Cementing
Course Delivered On: 28/08/2014, Bangkok, Thailand
Cementing Operation Course: Advanced Cementing
Schlumberger NExT-Course Delivered On: June 2014, Timor Leste
Well Integrity: A Proactive Approach to Ensure Well Integrity During the Construction and Operation of Wells
Course Delivered On: 07/09/2013, Kota Kinalbalu, Malaysia
Cementing Operation Course: Cementing advanced course
Schlumberger NExT-Course Delivered On: December 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia
High Pressure High Temperature: High Pressure High temperature Cementing
Course Delivered On: 03/12/2012
Advanced Cementing Course: 4 weeks Cementing course for Engineers
Several course delivered to E&P companies and Schlumberger Engineers 2000-2002
Basic and Advanced Laboratory training:
2 weeks each from 2010-2014 (over a 1000 attendees)
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